I don't know about you, but there's nothing more decadent than "French Silk Pie". Over the years I tried many recipes for French Silk pie and usually was disappointed with the outcome. Either it was too soupy or not chocolaty enough or the taste just wasn't right. I always enjoyed ordering a piece of French Silk pie from "Baker's Square", but obviously I can't do that anymore because they no longer exist.
So I went on a quest to find the most delicious, decadent French Silk pie you could ever find. Well, I found it. This pie is very rich, but doesn't taste rich. It's so chocolaty that anyone who is a chocoholic will give you a seal of approval, or maybe a great big kiss...LOL! This pie holds together beautifully and will tempt even those chocolate naysayers to try it. The whipped cream topping (real, of course) tops off this wonder of a lifetime! This is not a 'diet" pie. So save this one for those special occasions. You won't be disappointed. I usually make it for the holidays or very special occasions...that's how special it really is!

French Silk Pie "The How To In Pictures"
First off, I haven't explored making videos as of yet. Maybe someday, but I'm not quite ready for that...LOL!!! So, for right now pictures will have to do. This recipe is the best French Silk Pie I have ever tasted. The original recipe is from Cook's Country. I was visiting a friend a few years ago and Cook's Country was on TV. I watched in amazement at the gal that was creating this work of art. She used all natural ingredients like, eggs, butter, cream and real chocolate. What could go wrong with those ingredients...no additives in this recipe...but remember, this recipe is not a "diet" recipe. This is for very special occasions.
First off, beat 1 cup of whipping cream to stiff peaks and place in the refrigerator until ready to use. Also take 1 stick of butter out of the refrigerator and cut into 8 pieces and let set on the counter until the recipe calls for it.

Also, before you start making the custard, you will need to melt 8 ounces of chocolate. Melt the chocolate in the microwave. I usually set the time for 30 seconds and then stir. Then repeat that process until all the chocolate is melted. I then place the bowl of chocolate into another bowl of warm water to keep it melted until I need it.

I prefer Ghirardelli 60% Cacao. It's bittersweet chocolate. I don't use any other because I believe it would make my beautiful French Silk pie way to sweet...this chocolate makes it perfect!

To start making your custard you will need 3 large eggs, 3/4 cup sugar and 2 tablespoons of water. Place all ingredients in a heat proof bowl. I used a stainless steel bowl. Beat the ingredients until combined and then place over a saucepan with about an inch of water that is simmering. Do not let the bowl with ingredients touch the water. It will curdle the eggs. Continue beating the ingredients until your thermometer reaches 160℉. When working with eggs in a recipe like this, you need to cook the egg mixture until it reaches a safe temperature. We wouldn't want anyone to get sick from raw eggs.

After removing from the stove, I place the bowl of custard in the sink with about 2 inches of cold water and continue beating until just warm to the touch. It usually takes about 5-8 minutes to reach that warm to the touch temperature.

Now it's time to combine the custard with the melted chocolate.

Pour the melted chocolate into the custard mixture and beat until fully combined. It won't take very long to incorporate the chocolate into the custard mixture.

After you have incorporated the chocolate, you will next need to incorporate that butter that you set out on the counter. Put 1 piece into the chocolate/custard mixture and beat until incorporated. Continue with each piece of butter until your chocolate/custard mixture is fully incorporated with the butter. We wouldn't want any butter showing up whole in the pie. It would probably taste good, but it wouldn't look very good.

This is the way it should look after all the butter is incorporated.

Next up is folding the whipped cream that you placed in the refrigerator at the beginning of the whole process.

I'm just about done folding in the whipped cream. As you can see it's not completely incorporated.
Now it's fully incorporated. There is no white residue from the whipped cream and is now ready to be put into a baked pie shell. I make my own pie shells. The recipe for my pie shell is after the recipe for the French Silk Pie.

Here you go! Almost done. I usually don't put the whipped cream on until just before I'm going to serve. But that's just me. I think you could put it on anytime. Don't forget the chocolate curls for the top!
French Silk Pie...ooh la la! . . . Recipe

This recipe is the best French Silk Pie I have ever tasted. The original recipe is from Cook's Country. It's an unbelievable wonderful work of art. The taste is amazing. It's creamy and yummy...and it's my son-in-law's favorite. It's the BEST!
- 1 C. heavy cream, chilled
- 3 large eggs
- 3/4 C. sugar
- 2 T. water
- 8 oz. bittersweet chocolate, melted and cooled (I use Ghirardelli 60% Cacao Chocolate Chips
- 1 T. vanilla extract
- 8 T. (1 stick) unsalted butter, cut into 8 pieces and softened
- 1 8 oz. container of cool whip for topping or you can use whipping cream whipped up.
- 1 (9 inch) pie shell, baked and cooled (You can use your own recipe or a store bought deep dish pie shell
- Whip cream: With electric mixer on medium-high speed, whip cream to stiff peaks, 2 to 3 minutes. Transfer whipped cream to small bowl and refrigerate.
- Beat eggs: Combine eggs, sugar, and water in a large heatproof bowl set over medium saucepan filled with 1/2 inch barely simmering water (don't let bowl touch water). With electric mixer on medium speed, beat until egg mixture is thickened and registers 160 degrees, 7 - 10 minutes. Remove bowl from heat and continue to beat egg mixture until fluffy and cooled to room temperature, about 8 minutes.
- Beat, fold, cool: Add chocolate and vanilla to cool egg mixture and beat until incorporated. Beat in butter, a few pieces at a time, until well combined. Using a spatula, fold in whipped cream until no streaks of white remain. Scrap filling into pie shell and refrigerate until set, at least 3 hours and up to 24 hours.
- Spread whipped cream on the top of the pie and add some chocolate shavings on top (optional)
Flaky Pie Crust
This recipe makes one perfect pie crust that can be used for your French Silk Pie. It's easy, very flaky and holds up well with the chocolate mixture.

- 1 1/3 cups all purpose flour
- 1/4 tsp. salt
- 1/4 cup cold butter (cut into small pieces) and keep refrigerated
- 1/4 cup vegetable shortening
- 2-4 T. ice cold water (I fill a glass with ice cubes and then with water). It keeps the water icy cold.
- In a food processor pour the flour and salt into the processing bowl.
- Add butter and shortening to flour mixture. Pulse to incorporate the butter and shortening.
- Start adding the water 1 tablespoon at a time. You might not need 4 tablespoons. Check after 3 tablespoons to see if it is too dry or too wet. Add the last tablespoon of water if it appears to be to dry). You can also do this in a regular bowl. Pour the flour and salt into the bowl. Add the cold butter and shortening to the flour. Use a pastry cutter or a knife to cut the fat into the flour. Either way works, but using a food processor is definitely easier.
- Dump the dough onto a piece of plastic wrap and work into a disk shape. Do not overwork the dough as it will become chewy. We don't want a chewy crust, we want a flaky crust. Wrap the dough in the plastic wrap and place in refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
- Remove from refrigerator and flour either a bread board or some wax paper and place the disk in the center. Make sure both sides are floured to prevent sticking. You can also place a piece of wax paper on the top and then start rolling. The disk will be pretty hard when you first start rolling. But as it starts to roll out, it will become easier to expand the size of the disk. Roll to about 1/8" to 1/4" and then remove the was paper from the top or roll up the pie disk onto a rolling pin and place in pie plate.
- Push down the dough to fill the pie plate and fold over any left over pie dough extending down the pie plate. This will make the edges a little thicker and I don't know about you, but I love the thick pie crust that's on the edge of the pie.
Baking the Pie Crust:
Preheat oven to 425℉. While the oven is preheating, dock your pie crust with a fork and place in refrigerator until the oven comes to temperature. Place pie crust into the oven and bake for 12-15 minutes or until edges are golden brown. You can also beat an egg and wash the dough edges to make sure they get truly golden brown.
Well that's it! I finally found that perfect "French Silk Pie". Trust me when I say this is without a doubt the "BEST" French Silk Pie on the planet. The only way you will know for sure, is if you try it!!!! I hope you do...you won't be disappointed.

Always remember..."Life's short...eat dessert first!"...words to live by!