I truly enjoy crafting, as you have probably already figured out. Working with wine glasses, paint, and a Cricut Explorer is truly a lot of fun. This post will help you with learning how to make these great gifts for family and friends.

I have made many, many of these glasses. So much fun to give as gifts. I've made them for birthdays, weddings, bridesmaid gifts, for our bowling league, for anniversaries, for donations to charity silent auctions, and Christmas gifts. For special people I added the cloth bag with a bottle of vino. You can make them with flowers, doggy prints, cat prints and a million other cute designs. You can also paint on fabric. Below is a wine bag that I painted for a bottle of wine along with the four wine glasses for a gift.

9 Tricks for painting on glass by Nicole Tinkham



Painting on glass or cloth is not as intimidating as it looks. Using the correct brushes and paint makes the job a whole lot easier. I taught myself with the help of Donna Dewberry. With a little practice anyone can become a proficient painter. Using paints made specifically for glass and paint pens makes the job very easy.
Learning How to Make Painted Flowers the Easy Way...
Donna Dewberry's technique is very user friendly. Check out her website for easy instructions. Also check out the video below on "How to make the Cabbage Roses.
Good luck and have fun creating these really special gifts. Also check out her website for more information on her products, "One Stroke" by Donna Dewberry. Her "One-Stroke" method is a lot of fun and really easy to learn. There are many ideas for wine glasses on Pinterest. Be sure to check them out!

Wine Glasses for all occasions...
This is my version of Donna Dewberry's Cabbage Roses. I've made many, many of these. They are great for anniversaries, wedding presents, special gifts for friends and so on. I made 40 of them for our bowling banquet. I used four of them together as a center piece. At the end of the night they were given as door prizes. The ladies loved them!
Fun Wine Glass Creations for RAGOM (Retrieve a Golden of the Midwest)

These were very fun to make using different methods. Some are painted on and some are vinyl using the Cricut Exporer One for the designs. I was asked to make wine glasses for a RAGOM (Golden Retriever Rescue Group)

After completing the glasses, my daughter purchased four bottles of wine and they had pictures of canines on them. So very appropriate. We created a basket of love to be placed in a silent auction for RAGOM. If I remember correctly, this basket received a bid of $150. Definitely a great auction item.

This second basket was a little different than the first. I painted white roses on the glasses. This was also placed in the silent auction and received $150. Everything is donated, so these two items brought $300 for the RAGOM organization.
We covered the whole basket with clear cellophane. They turned out great and RAGOM made some money for the pups!
Wine Glasses for Parties, Bridesmaids, Birthdays and Special Occasions...

These glasses were made for bridesmaids for a wedding "girls night out". I chose to use pink and black, because they stand out so much and it's my favorite colors. The bases were really glittery and the gals loved them.

The glass above was for a "30th" Birthday celebration. Again, I used hot pink. I love the way the polka dots stand out. Add a little note at the bottom and you have a really cute gift for the total price of $2.00.

I tried making a summer wine glass with a watermelon bottom. They turned out very nice. It was a little more difficult because there was a lot of waiting time between coats of paint. In the end though, they turned out great.
The Bridal Wine Glass was an experiment. Again there were many coats of paint and glitter. I do love the way it turned out. Next up is the Groom's Wine Glass...
Whether it's a Birthday gift, a raffle, an Anniversary gift, or whatever, these wine glasses are so much fun to do. The cost is minimal. Just use your imagination and you will get raves about your artistic ability.
I hope you enjoyed browsing through this post. Making personal wine glasses are so fun to do for those special people in your life...
Always remember..."Life's short...eat dessert first!"...words to live by!